Friday, June 22, 2007


Exxxaaaaaaaamsssss! Now thats overs lets have some fun! Sorry there hasn't been a post for a while. Here is a show I loved watching in Japan called Sasuke and someone has been kind enough to youtube it for us. This show is simply amazing, the feats of strength these guys perform is mind blowing. The show is based around contestants going through an obstacle course as fast as they can so they can beat a timer. Enough said, you have to watch it, it's nail bitting stuff! One thing I love about this show is that all of the competitors get behind each other and feel each others pain if they don't succeed. It's truly amazing to watch and refreshing from the backstabing and ploting we are used to on western TV. Here are 3 vidoes featuring round 1. If you would like to see some more just leave a request in the comments section and I'll post round 2. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Noooooo! The first one ends right at the best part!!!

thanks for sharing these though