Thursday, September 06, 2007


It's been a while since I posted here, sorry I've been busy writing two essays. One on whether or not you can learn Japanese from Manga and Anime and the other on Japanese Robots and Aged Care. The later is really interesting as Japan doesn't want to have mass immigration in it's country (to be honest I don't blame them ,I have yet to see it work) it is developing robots to look after it's aging population. One of these robots may be Asimo. This robot can not only walk on two feet but run and have both feet of the ground at the same time. It can remember peoples faces and greet them by name, mimic actions, such as waving to people if someone waves at it and be led around by hand, it will follow you by sensing your hands pressure. Asimo's applications in the future can range from interpreting, helping sight impaired people by being a guide that can talk to you, do menial hospital tasks such as take vitals or monitor patients, help lift heavy people saving nurses backs, go into dangerous environments to rescue people, the list is endless.

Look at Asimo in action.

Isn't Asimo cute?

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